Monday, September 21, 2009

Ooooooooo.... Those those ones with those little bikes.

Lunch Rock was such a nice place we ended up staying a little late on Saturday. Had a good breakfast of eggs, bacon, and oatmeal, and a nice cold swim in the river. The trail was a lot busier saturday because it was the weekend. We met a lot of cool people along with several ignorant idiots and heard a lot of 'when you gonna upgrade to a bigger bike', and 'what are you trying to prove riding the trail on those little things', and of course the great quote from our grammar rodeo princess who was able to use the word 'those' thrice in a sentence. The fact is though, all of our detracters were out for an afternoon ride, and we had been on the trail for nearly a week. Most of them were obese anyways. Our goal for the day was Deal PA, about a 30 mile ride, but when we got there we saw that we were just miles from the eastern continental divide and decided to keep riding. We made it to the divide around 5:00 pm, and saw this, which gave us a little encouragement to keep going further still. We rode on through the big savage tunnel a nearly mile long tunnel with minimal lighting, across the Mason Dixon line, past Frostburg, and into the evening, arriving in Cumberland MD well after dark with head lamps lighting our way. Our plan was to get a cheap motel for the night, and then rest the next day, but with one hotel asking $119 for their cheapest room and the only other completely booked, we were out of luck. We stopped at Wendy's and spent the first money so far on the trip, $3 each from the value menu, and then returned to the trail to find a campsite for the night, but after finding nothing after a 3 mile ride back in the direction we came from we simply threw the tent on some grass next to some train tracks and slept with rocks in our back for the night.

We woke up early Sunday and headed back into town. This would be our day off. We got a hotel room courtesy of my mother and father. Thank you! After checking in we headed off to the Queen City Creamery for breakfast, an ice cream parlor/deli decorated in 1940's soda fountain style. We were so impressed with the food and atmosphere, we would return here for lunch monday before setting off on the trail again. Sunday night was spent at Carmichaels Pub/Resturant where we would enjoy a few beers, a great crab dip, and a buffalo chicken pizza while watching the steelers game. The owner of the establishment, Bill Michaels, overheard our story as we told it to one of the patrons and approached us asking us to join him in his office. He happens to have a connection with the Cumberland Times and sent off a quick email to the paper. Within the hour we heard back from his friend, who set up an appointment for a photo shoot and write up today!

We'll let you know how that goes later on...


  1. hell yeahhhhhh!!!! that is so sickkkkkkkk!!!!! dooooooooooood! btw, none of your photo links work : best of luck dudes!


  2. Renata and I are so jealous we couldn't see that creamery with you. If only we were good bike riders, damn it!
