Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lost already!!!

Took a wrong turn and ended up in boston.

Not the most productive day. 23 miles. Well short of our goal, but we'll blame that on my slipping freecoaster and the lack of a continuous trail forcing us to take state roadsfor much of the way.

We're now set up near Boston PA off of the great allegheny passage trail, and from here it's a steady and completed trail to dc. Theres a lot of mosquitos here. More fun tomorrow...


  1. Your blog looks great. Keep on trucking and share your adventures.

    -Dave from OTB Cafe in the Southside

  2. im so excited for yinzers!!!!! hope to see you sometime before fla, def stop by savannah! you will be welcomed with whiskey and cobblestone roads and a sick place to stay : ) good luckkk ill be keepn an eye on you!

  3. Hey guys!

    You 2 are being called heros biking all the way there for Pitcher Park!

    Be careful will you?
    Love ya,
    Mary Pitcher
