Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hops, Over doubles, and cancan grinders

I know the links didn't work in the past few posts but now, thanks to 3g Internet, all the pictures are uploaded and working properly.

The interview with the Cumberland times went well Monday. It was a busy day filled with food, laundry, ice cream, and after that we even managed 15 miles of riding in the evening.
We set up camp and had a good drum/harmonica session before a good nights rest.

Mondays short ride got us on track for a more productive day Tuesday. 30 miles, which seems to be quickly becoming the standard. Our food supply was dwindling, but we supplimented it in a corn field along the path.
We set up camp early and cooked our corn that actually ended up bring feed corn and didn't feed us very well. The mosquitos that normally bother us seemed to have taken the night off, but were replaced with a multitude of different varieties of ants, spiders, and multi-colored catterpillars. We got some good rest anyways, and were ready for Wednesday, which I will tellyou about later, because my battery is about to die and I want at least this much to be published.

Its raining really hard.

Good night.

1 comment:

  1. the hops, over doubles and cancan grinders is so funny! i cant stop laughing!
