Wednesday, September 30, 2009

On the road again. (not path)

We woke up late today to the sound of Mikes scurrying little companion chomping on any food scraps in sight. Our ride didn't start until about 2:30 pm and consisted of pushing our bikes up large hills on US1 and then tearing down the other side at nearly half the speed limit. The highlight of the day came near the end of the ride as we were pushing our bikes along the side of the road when an overpaid, undereducated bimbo decided it would be a good idea to honk the horn of her Mercedes and salute us... with one finger. Just as she passed us, continuing to stare at us and gesture obscenely, she missed a turn on the road and careened on to the shoulder, narrowly avoiding a ditch in her pricey means of conveyance. All in all it was a boring day punctuated with a missed opportunity to see the most beautiful backfire of a plan in my life.

We're in the tent now. No fire tonight cause I don't know who this property belongs to.

Next stop Richmond.


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